From strategy to digital brand success.

In den Hallen von MYA & PARTNER aus Bremerhaven vereinen sich Berater und Strategen, Kreative, Journalisten, Marketing- und PR-Experten, Social Media Manager und IT-Entwickler zu einer eingeschworenen Gemeinschaft. Tag für Tag arbeiten wir Hand in Hand, unter einem Dach, in agilen Teams, ohne isolierte Bereiche. Die Vielfalt unserer Talente bildet das Herzstück, das uns von anderen abhebt. Doch vereint uns alle eine gemeinsame Leidenschaft. Ob es um die Kreation effektiver Werbung und PR-Kampagnen, die Entwicklung von Content-Marketing-Konzepten oder die Ausarbeitung von Social-Media-Strategien geht – unsere Arbeit geht stets in die Tiefe und hebt sich damit wohltuend von der Masse ab. Bei uns steht Qualität im Vordergrund. Unser Leistungsspektrum ruht auf vier stabilen Eckpfeilern:


A brand is more than just a logo - it is a result.

Among the sum of all impressions, a strong brand aims at the customer's feeling about a product, a service or a company. We create brands that maintain reputation through carefully selected design elements. Fonts, Farbpalette, Muster und Texture, Logo, Photography und Animation, Illustration und Iconography, Ton, Layout and even tone of voice are elements of our brand ecosystem. Every interaction sends a message. To manage your brand, we make sure that all interactions are in line with your brand message.

Digitalization is now part of our lives. Not only has the world gone digital, but retail (buying and selling) has also gone digital. E-commerce (online shopping) is the future of retail. Become part of the future now with e-commerce solutions from our web developers and selected partners and put your business online so you can reach more customers from all over the world.


Unusual, surprising and yet simple. The essential characteristics of intelligent design in the classic sense are a combination of different design elements that trigger reactions ranging from astonishment to surprise in many people, and this with relatively straightforward means. However, the term comes from a different subject area that may sound familiar to you. Find out how we use intelligence in our corporate philosophy and work.


Good digital advice and strategy is the secret ingredient to staying ahead of the competition and standing out. To achieve this for our clients, we provide them with insightful and actionable advice and guidance that leads to success. We guarantee our clients the best advice on advertising or PR campaigns, rebranding, social media strategies, etc. Our advice covers all topics in our portfolio.


Influencer marketing has the power to expand your reach and increase customer awareness of your brand, product and services. Harness the power of influencer marketing with our large pool of influencers on various social media channels. We help your business reach more customers and develop sustainable campaigns that achieve the widest possible market reach.



Do you already have a project and would like to work with us? We look forward to hearing from you and will contact you immediately to discuss further details.


Phone: +49 (0) 471 30 40 33 94